I Eliminated Alcohol and Ran a 5K Every Day For a Month; Here’s What Happened

As an avid runner I pride myself on how many miles I run per month. So when my Nike Running app read “0 Miles” at the end of December 2016, needless to say I decided I needed a kick in the ass. As a result I told myself that in January of 2017 I would run a 5K every day for the month. Having run 2 full marathons, a triathlon and many half marathons the 5K distance did not scare me. However to keep that up for 31 straight days? That would be a test of will power. But I was up for the challenge.

Although I still felt that wouldn’t be enough. So I took the plunge and decided I would go alcohol free during that time as well. I pride myself on not having a dependency on alcohol so I did not see this as a challenge. However I do have a passion for craft beer so I knew this would test me as well.

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First Running Streak Completed!

For those that may be unaware, the Runners World organization from time to time sets up a Running Streak of running for a set amount of consecutive days. You run at the very least 1 Mile every day. It is known on social media as the #RWRunStreak.

This most recent one started on Memorial Day and ended on July 4th. 40 days of running every day. And I am happy to say I completed it! It was a lot of fun to do something that connected me even closer to the running community. For me that is why I enjoy doing these type of things throughout the year. Because I get a real close sense of connection to people working towards a common goal.

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